In order to give the public a greater voice in how it is policed, some jurisdictions have established police commissions, which play a role in hiring and firing the police chief, developing and approving police department policies, overseeing inspectors general and/or independent investigative units, and adjudicating allegations of misconduct. This webinar (presented live on Feburary 7, 2022) provides an historical and national perspective on these types of commissions and describe the ways in which such commissions can make law enforcement agencies more accountable to the public. Through an in-depth examination of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners and the Oakland Police Commission, the webinar highlights the authority and resources commissions possess, how commission members are selected, and how commissions operate. NACOLE Board Member Florence Finkle is joined by Eileen Decker, vice president of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners, Regina Jackson, chair of the Oakland Police Commission, and Professor Maria Ponomarenko, of the University of Minnesota Law School and New York University School of Law Policing Project for this important discussion.