Membership Surveys Peer Support Program
Becoming a member of NACOLE allows you to join a growing community of oversight professionals, individuals, law enforcement officials, academics, and others working to strengthen civilian review of law enforcement, jails, and prisons as well as promote greater law enforcement accountability in the United States and abroad. Becoming a part of the NACOLE community enables you to collaborate with us in our efforts to produce world-class training, facilitate networking opportunities, disseminate information regarding effective practices, provide technical assistance to new and existing oversight agencies, and to act as advocates of oversight. NACOLE members pay discounted rates to attend NACOLE’s annual conference, apply serve on committees, and are eligible to earn the Certified Practitioner of Oversight credential.
Membership Options
Organizational Members are defined as agencies or boards who provide civilian oversight of law enforcement by legislative or executive mandate. These agencies or boards will receive one transferable regular (voting) membership. All agency or board affiliate members are eligible to serve on committees, however election or appointment to the Board of Directors shall be limited to the designated voting member of the agency or board. Cities or other political subdivisions may obtain one organizational membership to cover all of the entities within it, which meet the requirements for regular membership.
Purchase Organizational Membership $500/ Year
Regular Members are defined as those persons:
- Who are not sworn law enforcement officers;
- Who work for or constitute agencies which are established by legislative or executive authority to investigate and/or review issues and complaints against law enforcement; and/or
- Who have worked for and/or have constituted agencies, which are established by legislative or executive authority to investigate and/or review complaints against law enforcement.
- Who are mayors, county or municipal managers or who otherwise hold an executive position or are on a board, council, commission or committee with authority to direct, control, and/or oversee the activities and/or performance of the chief law enforcement officer of a political subdivision.
Purchase Regular Membership ($190 / year)
Associate Members are defined as any persons interested in the oversight of law enforcement. Associate members shall be able to participate in all Association activities including serving on committees, but are ineligible to vote or serve as officers or members of the Board of Directors.
Purchase Associate Membership ($125 / year)
Student Members are defined as individuals currently enrolled either full or part-time in a college of university program in the area of criminology, criminal justice, law, sociology, political science, public administration, journalism, or a related field and who are interested in the oversight of law enforcement. Student members shall be able to participate in all Association activities including serving on committees, but are ineligible to vote or serve as officers or members of the Board of Directors.
Purchase Student Membership ($50 / year)
NACOLE Mail-In Membership Application
Download Membership Application here: