2025 Committee Members Coming Soon
NACOLE committees further the mission of NACOLE by pursuing projects and initiatives within their subject matter. They are the operational core of NACOLE. NACOLE members are encouraged to become more involved with the organization by working on a committee and many members currently serve on one or more committees, or have done so in the past. Contact the Committee Chair for more information.
Each committee works to set the goals for the year and holds a monthly video conference call meeting which all committee members are expected to attend. It is expected that Committee Chairs will set goals for their committees each year with the input of committee members who will also work to meet those goals.
The following applies to all committees:
- All committees and their members shall conduct committee business in accordance with the Association’s policies, procedures, and Bylaws.
- Committee members are recommended by the Board of Directors and appointed by the President for a term of up to one (1) year.
- A member of the Board of Directors shall chair each committee.
- The President is an ex-officio member of all committees.
Annual Conference Committee: Plans, coordinates, and oversees the development and implementation of a comprehensive, informative, and inclusive Annual Conference program. In addition, they assist with local, regional, and national planning efforts including marketing, outreach, and fundraising initiatives. They will help to ensure a diversity of speakers and perspectives are represented in the annual conference program and provide logistical support before, during, and after the annual conference.
Current Co-Chairs: Kim Neal and George Perezvelez
Communications Committee: Addresses the communication needs of the organization. Members will look at external and internal communication structures, and, more broadly, how communication with the NACOLE membership and greater oversight community can be streamlined, and enhanced. This committee will also work hand-in-hand with the other committees to ensure the work of NACOLE is broadcast to a wide audience.
Current Chair: Bonycle Sokunbi
Elections and Bylaws Committee: Conducts NACOLE elections in accordance with Article VII, Section B of the Association’s Bylaws. Members receive inquiries regarding changes in the Bylaws and prepares and distributes draft bylaw amendments to the Board of Directors and members.
Current Chair: Gianna Irlando
Finance Committee: Members review monthly finances and financial procedures, assist in the creation of a draft budget, research funding mechanisms to aid the organization in expanding capacity, and evaluate other means of furthering the organization’s reach. In addition, the committee analyzes funding and budget issues that may surface during the year and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for resolving any financial issues.
Current Chair: Florence Finkle
Internal Operations Committee: Focuses on current and future operations of the organization through review and recommendations concerning NACOLE’s organizational development, policies, and procedures. The committee also conducts ongoing strategic assessments of the association, within the context of the association’s mission and goals, so that it can be responsive to the needs of its membership and always advance the principles and practice of civilian oversight of law enforcement.
Current Co-Chairs: Bart Logue and John Alden
Jail and Prison Oversight Committee: In an effort to assist jail and prison oversight, works on strategies to increase the number of resources, trainings, and support mechanisms available to those advocating for or practicing civilian oversight of jails and prisons. Members will work on methods to expand the number of jail and prison oversight entities throughout the country and offer the necessary support needed to accomplish this goal.
Current Chair: Amarik Singh
Membership Support and Development Committee: Supports the association’s current individual and organizational members and work to increase the total number of members. The Committee works with individual and organizational members to develop means for greater involvement and enhanced communication between the board and the membership throughout the year, as well as to increase the number and diversity of NACOLE members engaged in the work of the organization. The committee is also tasked with developing ways we can support the members of the organization including, but not limited to, the development and implementation of NACOLE's Peer Support Program.
Current Chair: Edward Harness
Training, Education, and Standards Committee: Provides resource materials and supports training and educational opportunities regarding civilian oversight of law enforcement, jails and prisons and other relevant topics. Members plan and facilitate webinars; identify and organize resources (such as books, articles, websites, relevant training, etc.) for the NACOLE website; study and evaluate standards for oversight agencies; oversee the Certified Practitioner of Oversight program; evaluate nominations for NACOLE annual awards; and provide assistance as needed for other training and relevant grant-funded projects.
Current Chair: Jayson Wechter