December 1, 2023
Dear NACOLE Members and Supporters:
I want to thank each of you for making this year’s Annual Conference the biggest and one of the best for NACOLE. Each day of the conference, beginning with the Executive Leadership Forum and continuing into the final session of the conference, Building Community Trust After Crisis: Oversight in the Wake of Tragedy, provided a wealth of information for you to take back to your respective communities for Building Better Oversight!
I am humbled to serve as the next President of NACOLE. I will continue the work the NACOLE Board started over the last several years: putting the association on strong financial ground, ushering in our first Executive Director, bringing on amazing staff, and expanding our revenue stream by increasing the number of opportunities to provide training and technical assistance to new and established oversight entities.
I want to continue working to make NACOLE the go-to organization for all things related to civilian oversight of law enforcement, police reform and criminal justice. To prepare for this, we will be investing in professional development opportunities for our staff, IT upgrades to include website redesign, more training opportunities through webinars and regional conferences, the return of our Academic Symposium, and a push to increase membership at all levels. I want to solidify NACOLE's organizational structure through updated policies and procedures, sustainable systems and processes, and resources necessary so NACOLE may continue to grow and thrive.
I am committed to doing all I can, asking nothing of anyone that I am not willing to do myself, and giving NACOLE my best efforts. All I ask in return as we continue to expand our reach and capabilities is that each of you continue to stay in the fight in your respective communities, be a resource to one another wherever possible, and support NACOLE with your time, talents, and financial resources. Thank you for all your work and for your contribution to the field of independent civilian oversight.
Anthony W. Finnell
NACOLE President