Investigator Forum

NACOLE invites you to our online forum for oversight investigators on the third Thursday of every month at 2:00 p.m. EDT.

These monthly one-hour meetings, facilitated by NACOLE Board member and veteran investigator Jayson Wechter, are an opportunity to share information about resources, training, technology and online tools. They’re an open conversation where investigators can seek advice; discuss challenges, frustrations, and successes; and meet and network with professional colleagues around the U.S.

At each monthly meeting, Jayson shares information about useful websites for oversight investigators. A list of these websites can be found  HERE.
If there’s a question or a subject you’d like to see discussed at an upcoming meeting, please email [email protected].

NACOLE members and employees of agencies holding organizational memberships are invited to participate. There is no need to register for the forum, but please note that it is only open to the first 100 participants who join the online meeting. Simply click the link below to join us at 2:00 p.m. EDT:


April 17, 2025 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Jayson Wechter · · (317) 721-8133

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