Vulnerable Populations and Civilian Oversight
NACOLE is excited to announce the next training event in our 2017 Regional Meeting Series.
Civilian oversight has long addressed issues of police accountability, transparency and community trust. Vulnerable Populations and Civilian Oversight, a training event co-hosted by NACOLE, Denver’s Office of the Independent Monitor and several community based organizations, seeks to address many of these issues as they pertain to some of society’s most vulnerable populations. This training is geared toward a variety of audiences, including community members, oversight practitioners, justice system stakeholders, and academics.
It is well-documented that some of society’s most vulnerable populations—including young people, those suffering from mental illness, those without stable housing, LGBTQIA community members, and veterans with disabilities—can end up in frequent contact with the justice system, which often leads to a vicious cycle of arrest, jail, and re-arrest. A number of police departments, jails, courts, oversight agencies, and other system stakeholders have responded with innovative solutions that help keep vulnerable populations from cycling through the system by providing needed social services and other resources. Please join us for this regional training to learn about how these agencies are working to ensure better outcomes for vulnerable community members, and for a robust discussion of how oversight practitioners can use these solutions in police and corrections oversight.
Lunch will be provided on the first day of the event and a continental breakfast on both days. There will also be a networking reception for all attendees held at the end of the first day. This will allow attendees to further discuss the topics of the day and learn more about the work being done in Denver and around the country.
Please note that this event is open to all those wishing to attend and we hope that you will be a part of this important and informative training & networking opportunity. The registration fee for this event is $50 and includes all training, continental breakfasts, and Thursday's lunch. NACOLE is able to waive this fee for those who find it would prohibit their ability to attend.
This event is eligible for 8.25 hours towards the Certified Practitioner of Oversight (CPO) Credential and has been approved for 10 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits by the State of Colorado Supreme Court Board of Continuing Legal and Judicial Education (Event ID #761320)
101 W Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80202
United States
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