Civilian Oversight Agency Directory - Survey Information

Oversight Agency Survey

NACOLE, with funding from the U.S Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) office, is developing a web-based, interactive directory of civilian oversight agencies and their various organizational characteristics. Once completed, the directory will allow users to search oversight agencies in the database and filter the list according to various criteria relating to their authority, organization, and resources. NACOLE intends for this application to be a core resource for oversight practitioners and researchers to identify civilian oversight agencies with certain characteristics.

Mockup version of COAD application. Any information displayed above is for the sole purpose of illustration.


Using this application, users will be able to answer questions such as:

  • Which oversight agencies have direct access to their overseen department(s) internal affairs database?
  • How many auditor/monitor-focused models with subpoena power are there in California?
  • What is the typical budget and staffing count for a review-focused agency?
  • How many investigators does an oversight agency overseeing a department of 1,500 officers employ?
  • What are the most common models of correctional oversight?
  • …and many, many more

This application will only be as useful as the data that populates it. NACOLE needs the help of all oversight agencies in the United States by having them complete a 15-minute survey relating to the characteristics and operations of their oversight agency. This dataset will be made publicly available for oversight professionals, researchers, and the general public to use and generate additional insight on the field of civilian oversight.

Please click HERE to take the online survey.

It may be helpful to review the survey in its entirety prior to responding in order to understand the types of information requested. A PDF version of the entire survey is available HERE.

If you are unable to access the survey application on your network, the survey can be completed by emailing the completed PDF to NACOLE. Surveys can be sent and received by mail upon request. For assistance, please contact [email protected]

The following agencies have already completed the survey: