Analyzing and Reporting Use of Force Statistics
Patterns and trends in law enforcement use of force are often as important to the communities that law enforcement serve as individual instances of force. Analyzing aspects of law enforcement use of force such as the types of force used, who is subject to force, and the circumstances in which force is applied can reveal potential issues in use of force policies, training, and supervision. In addition, comprehensive reports on use of force produced by civilian oversight agencies can deliver transparency and accountability.
This webinar will feature presentations from two civilian oversight agencies — the Washington D.C. Office of Police Complaints (OPC) and New Orleans Independent Police Monitor (IPM) — that regularly publish reports analyzing use of force statistics. Each presenter will provide an overview of the force reporting systems of the law enforcement agencies they oversee, use of force data collection and validation, analyzing and disaggregating the data, identifying potential use of force policy and data collection issues, and summarizing findings.
Susan Hutson, NACOLE President and Independent Police Monitor for the City of New Orleans
The City of New Orleans welcomed Susan Hutson as the Independent Police Monitor in June of 2010. Prior to accepting the position in New Orleans, Ms. Hutson worked at the Los Angeles Police Commission’s Office of the Inspector General as an Assistant Inspector General and as the Acting Police Monitor at the Office of the Police Monitor in Austin, Texas. Prior to working in police oversight, Ms. Hutson was a general practitioner, defense counsel, prosecutor, and assistant city attorney handling labor matters. Ms. Hutson holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a J.D. from Tulane University School of Law. Ms. Hutson was elected to a two-year term as the President of the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE) in September of 2019 and is a Past-President of the International Law Enforcement Auditors Association (ILEAA).

Michael G. Tobin was appointed OPC's executive director in November 2014. Prior to joining the agency, Mr. Tobin served as the executive director of the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission, where he oversaw the Commission’s work in a range of functions, including the initiation and implementation of police policies and procedures, conducting independent investigations of misconduct allegations, ensuring internal investigations are conducted appropriately, and providing mediation between citizens and fire or police department employees.
Mr. Tobin began his career with the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a police officer, and upon graduation from law school he joined the Milwaukee City Attorney's office as an assistant city attorney. There, he was a police legal advisor, guided internal affairs investigations, prosecuted police employees for misconduct, and represented the city's interests in police department litigation for almost 20 years in state courts and administrative agencies.