Confronting Systemic Injustice

The 22nd Annual Conference of the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement

Incidents over the past several years have brought attention to the mistrust and broken relationships between police and the communities they are sworn to serve and protect. It is one of the most pressing challenges facing our nation.  In communities of color particularly, policing practices that are perceived to be overly harsh, unjust, or unfair, regardless of whether those practices are deemed lawful, can undermine police legitimacy. When the members of one racial group are significantly more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, or even shot by the police, maintaining trust becomes immensely more difficult.  

In order to rebuild this broken trust we must first look to mechanisms that will allow us to begin the process of confronting a history that has fostered the same systemic injustice that we see on the front page of newspapers and on the news daily. Civilian oversight is one of these mechanisms. It brings together the many stakeholders involved in supporting trusted, respectful, and effective law enforcement efforts. It breaks down the walls between police and the public and enhances the understanding by both parties by reminding police that they ultimately serve the public’s interests, and by educating the community on the unique and difficult challenges officers encounter every day. 

Join us in September 2016 as we bring together the ever-growing community of civilian oversight practitioners, community members, law enforcement officials, journalists, elected officials, students and others working for greater accountability and trust. Be a part of the conversation as we explore the different ways civilian oversight can work to confront the systemic injustices that have plagued our country for far too long.  


The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico will serve as our host and, in the midst of a schedule full of training and the discussion of current and emerging topics, they will share with us their work as a community to rebuild trust between the police and the communities they serve.

This year's conference hotel is the DoubleTree which is connected to the Albuquerque Convention Center where our conference sessions will be held. For additional information on registration, conference schedule, hotel rates, and travel information, please click on the icons above.


September 25, 2016 at 12:00pm - September 29, 2016
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Cameron McEllhiney